Homework check- workbook pages 8, 9, 10; School crossword; This/that/ these/ those quiz.
Open your book, page 12 and read the text.
Answer the questions by circling the correct answer.
Now let's do the exercise 3 on the page 13 to check your understaning.
Draw a table with the following categories: numbers, colours, days in a week, and school. Listen and write down the words in the correct column.
Prvi deo- Reading comprehension (Učenici čitaju tekst na stani 12 i odgovaraju na pitanja poput pitanja koja su data u vežbanju 3 na stani 12. Učenici će biti ocenjeni brojčanom ocenom.
Drugi deo- Diktat (Učenici slušaju i ispisuju reči u odgovarajuće polje kao što je prikazano na slici iznad. I ovaj deo se ocenjuje brojčanom ocenom.)
Konačna ocena se formira na osnovu srednje vrednosti ove dve ocene i kao takva se unosi u dnevnik. Ukoliko učenik ne bude zadovoljan ovom ocenom, moći će da ponovo odgovara jedan deo po izboru pre nego što mu se upiše ocena.
U toku drugog časa podsećamo se gradiva iz trećeg razreda i gramatičke nastavne jedinice- Verb TO BE. Učenici treba da zalepe oba nastavna listića u svoje sveske i urade vežbanja.
Look at he chart and analyse how we form affirmative, negative and question forms of the verb TO BE.
Now that we revised the verb TO BE, let's do a few exercises to check your understanding. Feel free to ask questions if you don't understand something.
Verb TO BE-
Now we are going to hear a song to relax a bit. Let's go to page 16 in your book.
Good. We will skip page 18, and do it next time. Now let's read the poem on the page 18. Underline the words for feelings in the poem.
Do you like it? What does he do when he is really happy? What does he do when he is really sad?
Let's move to the page 19, exercise 3.
Pričali smo na prošlom času da kada koristimo glagol TO BE u potvrdnom i odričnom obliku da možemo da koristimo skrećeni oblik, pa u odričnom obliku is not postaje isn't, a are not postaje aren't.
Ako pogledamo ovde date primere šta možemo da zaključimo za potvrdni oblik.
Tako je, am straćujemo sa 'm, is sa 's, are sa 're.
Excellent. Now let's do the exercise.
For the homework do the exercises in your workbook, pages 14-19.
Oktobar- druga nedelja
Homework check and discussion.
Teacher asks the pupils following questions:
Can you ride a bike?
Can you ride a horse?
Can you play football?
Open your notebook and write down new words:
ride a bike
ride a horse
play tennis
play football
play basketball
play volleyball
Za timske sportove koristimo glagol play+ sport.
Now let's listen and read the story in your book, page 20.
Primetili ste da se u tekstu javlja glagol CAN.
Let's revise what we know about modal verb can. Open your notebooks and copy (or print and glue) the table. First we will talk about affirmative, then negative and question form.
How do you make negative form? Yes, you add not.
How do you make question form? Yes, you swap position of a subject and can.
Now let's check your understanding. Open your book, page 21. Who can read Let's learn part?
Now let's do exercise 3 and check it when you finish.
Homework- Workbook, page 20, 21.
Oktobar- treća nedelja
Homework check and discussion.
Now let's listen to the song.
Open your book, page 22. What does it mean- Where is my teddy?
Let's underline the lines where the girl looks for it. Can you read them?
Da li mžete da mi kažete šta su to predlozi za mesto? Tako je, reči koje govore gde se nešto nalazi.
Danas ćemo se podsetiti nekih predloga koje već znate,a naučićemo i neke nove.
Let's watch the video about Chester.
Open your notebooks and stick the table.
Excellent. Now let's read the story on page 24. Underline the new words.
Now we go to exercise 3 and tick the correct sentences.
Today we are going to revise what we have learned so far. Also this revision will help you to do the test that we have next week better.
First we age going to do pages 26 and 27 in your books.
Activities- Name 5 activities in 20 seconds. (book, page 20)
A/ An- Da se podsetimo. This is A book.
A ili AN koristimo ispred imenica u jednini. Kada koristimo A a kada AN? Tako je, AN se koristi ispred imenica koje počinju samoglasnikom (a, e, i, o, u). Hajde da uradimo treće vežbanje na 25. strani.
Verb TO BE-
Homework, workbook - sve do Review 1 uključujući i Review 1
Sva onlajn vezbanja koja su iznad data za gramatiku i vokabular obavezno uraditi jos jednom.
Oktobar- četvrta nedelja
Analiza Testa 1.
Can you tell me what your favourite food is?
Let's look at the handout and revise the food words we learned last school year.
Novembar- prva nedelja
Now let's open your books, Unit 4, page 28 and listen to the story.
What does it mean naughty? Nevaljao, bezobrazan, that's right.
Now let's read the story.
OK, that's nicely read.
Now let's focus on the picture 1 and 3 and phrases Have you got and Has he got.
What does it mean - Have Got? Imati, that's right.
Open your notebooks and let's learn something more about it.
OK, let's copy this into your notebooks.
If you have finished, let's practice a bit. Open your book page 29, exercises 3 and 4.
Well done!
Homework- workbook, pages 28,29.
Novembar- druga nedelja
Now we are going to hear the song. You should guess what our topic is today.
Numbers, that's right. Let's have a look.
Numbers from 13 to 19
17- seven+teen- seventeen
70- seven+ty- seventy
26 twenty-six
85 eighty-five
Today we are going to revise the words for food again.
Now open your book, page 32. Let's read the story and do exercise 3.
Let's do one exercise now.
Workbook, pages 30, 31, 32.
Novembar- treća nedelja
Let's listen and read the story (book, page 34):
Ok, what does HAVE GOT mean? Imati. U tekstu imamo primer skraćenog oblika have got, pa da pogledamo tabelu (možete koristit oblik koji vi želite).
Who can tell one affirmative, negative and question sentence using HAVE GOT?
Excellent. Now we are going to talk about school subjects.
School subject
religion/ civil education
What is your favourite subject?
Novembar- četvrta nedelja
Now let's focus on the words OUR and THEIR. What do they mean? Yes, naš and njihov.
Now, we are going to revise, your book, page 35, exercise 2 and 3.
For a start we are going to listen to the song (book, page 36):
What can you do in the playground?
What can you do on the sports field?
What can you do in the art room?
What can you do in the computer room?
Let's go to the page 38. Look at the picture. Where are the pupils/ students?
Read the text silently and underline the new words.
Primary/ elementary school
Secondary/ high school
Let's read the text again and do exercise number 3.
Homework: Workbook, pages 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39.
Provera domaćeg zadatka
Razgovor o upotrebi HAVE GOT i TO BE i objašnjavanje nedoumica.
Obnavljane modalnog glagola CAN i pomoćnog glagola TO BE kroz vežbanja koja su bila za prethodne domaće zadatke.
Novembar- peta nedelja
Provera domaćeg zadatka. Nakon pitanja učenika prelazimo na drugi deo časa.
Ok, now let's move on to the next lesson and hear and read a story:
What do you do after school? Let's fill in the chart.
Here are some actions you can do:
do my homework
help my mum
visit mygrandparents
go swimming
have a music/maths lesson
watch TV/ youtube
play video games/ football
After school I _________.
After school I don't _________.
Potrebno je naučiti pesmicu za ponedeljak 5. decembar
Skills time- obrada teksta
Now add the action to the chart we did last time.
After school I _______.
After school I don't _______.
Excellent!. Now one easy task on page 43, exercise 4.
Today we are going to read a story about four children (book, page 44) and after that do exercise 3.
Look at the yellow box on the page 45. Can you circle the verbs? Well done!
Homework- Workbook: page 42-51.+ blog Decembar prva nedelja- priprema za test
12. i 14. decembra ocenjujemo veštinu čitanja i razumevanja teksta.
U obzir dolaze tekstovi na sledećim stranama u udžbeniku: 8, 12, 14, 20, 24, 28, 32, 34, 38, 40.
Decembar- prva nedelja
Revision - priprema za test koji će biti 7. decembra (sreda)
1) Food
2) Numbers 1-100-
Numbers 1-100 (u vežbi greškoom je forty napisano kao fourty. Piše se FORTY)
3) School subjects-
4) Activities (unit 3 and 6)-
1) verb to be (am, is, are)
2) modal verb can-
3) have got-
4) prepositions of place (in, between,...)-
5) Possessive adjectives (my, your, ..., their)-
Decembar- druga nedelja
Prvi čas
Razgovor o Testu 2.
in a week
and drinks
of place
do my
ride a horse
play with my
sleep +s - sleeps
watch +es - watches (glagoli koji se završavaju na -ch, -sh, -ss, -x, -o)
play + s -plays
tidy + es - tidies
Additional activities:
Drugi čas
Decembar- treća nedelja
Prvi čas
Let's read the text at page 48. Can you underline the sentences with like?Pogledajte tabelu u prilogu i razmislite kada koristima like, a kada likes, kada do, a kada does.Let's go to page 49 in your books. Read Let's learn part and try to do exercise 3.Drugi čas
Skills time (book, page 52)
Read the text and underline new words.
New words:
cut- seći
rectangle- pravougaonik
square- kvadrat
triangle- trougao
circle- krug
fold- saviti
half- polovina
think about- razmisliti o
flower- cvet
draw- crtati
give- dati
Try to do exercise 3 to check if you understand the text.
Na strani 53, vežbanje 3 imamo dati duge i kratke oblike odričnog oblika za like. Pogledajte pravilo i probajte da uradite sami zadatak.
workbook, page 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53.
Present Simple Tense
sleep +s - sleepswatch +es - watches (glagoli koji se završavaju na -ch, -sh, -ss, -x, -o)
play + s -plays
tidy + es - tidies
Homework check and disscusion.
Let's listen to the story (book, page 54):
Watch the lesson
Do the activities:
Februar- prva nedelja
Dragi učenici,
Ove nedelje ćemo uvežbavati upotrebu sadašnjeg vremena u situacijama kada govorimo o dnevnim rutinama. Takođe, uvežbavaćemo iskazivanje vremena, tj. jednostavno rečeno gledanje na sat.
U udžbeniku ćemo uraditi strane 55, 56, 58 i 59. Te iste strane u radnim listovima će biti za domaći zadatak.
Pored toga imaćemo još 4 zadatka koja ćemo započeti u školi, a vi treba da ih dovršite za domaći.
Domaći zadatak (doneti urađen u školu kako bismo zajedno proverili):
Radni listovi, strane 55, 56, 58, 59.
Februar- četvrta nedelja
Let's listen to and read a story, page 60:
Now we are going to draw a table with Person, Action and Place columns.
Let's listen to the song, page 62, and underline the words for places.
Now we are going to check your homework and you can ask questions if something is not clear.
Now when we have checked the homework it will be easy for you to do this short exercise 3 on page 61.
Homework- workbook, pages 60, 61, 62
Mart- prva nedelja
Let's read the story , page 64 and underline the new words.
She works at the zoo!
look after- brinuti o nekome
at the moment- trenutno
baby- jednina babies- mnozina
cute- sladak
feed- hraniti
meat- meso
vegetables- povrce
always- uvek
job- posao
Read the story again, and in exercise 3 circle the false words and write the correct ones.
Homework, workbook, pages 64, 65
Priprema za Test 3
Udžbenik i radni listovi Review 3, strane 66 i 67.
Dodatni materijal za vežbu, raditi onlajn ako neštno ne stignemo u školi:
Mart- druga nedelja
Na prvom času radimo TEST 3.
Drugi čas- analiza testa i UNIT 10
Book page 68 i 69.
Vocabulary- What is the weather like?
Homework: Workbook, pages 68, 69; prepisati reče vezane za vremenske prilike u svesku.
Mart- treća nedelja
Unit 10
Uvežbavamo rečenice za izražavanje vremenskih prilika:
What is the weather like? It is .... (udžbenik, strana 70)
Skills time! (udžbenik, strane 72 i 73)
Čitamo tekst i odgovaramo na pitanja.
Verb TO BE revision
Homework: 70, 71, 72, 73.
Homework check
Let's listen to the story (book, page 74)
Text analysis
Vocabulary- Clothes
Book, page 75.
Workbook: pages 74 and 75
Mart- četvrta nedelja
Prvi čas
Provera razumevanja pročitanog (pozanti tekstovi iz lekcija 7, 8 i 9)
Udžbenik, strana 76
Listen to the song and underline the words for telling time.
Drugi čas:
Udžbenik, strane 78 i 79
Read the text and underline new words.
coach- međugradski autobus
wave- mahati
short- nizak
tall- visok
curly hair- kovrdžava kosa
straight hair- prava kosa
Now read the text again and find the mistakes (exercise 3)
What is the time?
Write one affirmative and one negative sentence for the following questions.
Odgovorite na pitanja koristeći jednu potvrdnu i jednu odričnu rečenicu.
What are you wearing now?
What is your friend wearing now?
Homework: Workbook, pages 76, 78, 79.
Mart- peta nedelja
Prvi čas
Razgovor o građi i upotrebi sadašnjeg vremena- Present Continuous Tense
Drugi čas:
Homework check- provera domaćeg zadatka
Book, page 80, 81
Listen to the story:
New words:
celebration- proslava
wedding- venčanje
guest- gost
bride- mlada
bridegroom- mladoženja
invitation- pozivnica
Page 81
Question words:
What- šta
Who- ko
Where- gde
When- kada
Why- zašto
How- kako
How many- koliko
April- prva i treća nedelja
Open your book, page 82
Homework- Workbook, pages 82, 83
What are you doing now?
What he/ she is doing now?
Probni diktat
Priprema za kontrolni zadatak- udzbenik i radni listovi, strane 86 i 87
Drugi cas
Homework check
Let's read, book pages 84 and 85.
Reading comprehension- razgovor o tekstu.
Priprema za kontrolni zadatak
Review 4- udžbenik i radni listovi, strane 86 i 87.
Test 4
April- četvrta nedelja
Analiza testa 4 i popravljanje ocena sa testa.
Maj- druga nedelja
prvi čas
Let's listen to the story ( book, page 88)
Let's draw the table and wrote down as many as possilbe words for domestic, wild and sea animals.
(minimum 10 for each category)
Game: Describe and guess the animal.
drugi čas
Poređenje prideva
Homework, workbook, pages 88, 87.
Maj- treća nedelja
Provera domaćeg zadatka
jel ćete poslati jos nesto
ОдговориИзбришиSigurno hoce
ИзбришиTeacher nisam znao da imamo petnaesto minutnu mogu li da je uradim kad se vratim iz onlajn nastave
ОдговориИзбришиPoslaću sve informacije na Gugl učionicu, pa ćemo se tamo dogovoriti.
ОдговориИзбришиTeacher, da li b grupa ima diktat iz onih reči vezanih za odeću? Ili samo vežbamo?